Acorns From The Healing Tree


"I have learned, in whatever state I am, therewith to be content." ~ St. Paul

The change

Capricorn in White

Winter has returned. There is 2 feet of snow this morning and it is still snowing. That's okay. Now I have time to write in my blog, be contemplative. My daughter has been kind enough to suggest that I need to get this blog organised!
Okay, but later.
I guess my labels for all my posts are all over the place. This sort of thing used to bother me - I was the kind of person who might label all her videos in alphabetical order with a master-list as a backup. Even my spice rack, or cupboards are organised. Though, now it is a system that only I can figure out. It might be menopause that is creating this devil-may-care attitude. I'm not sure. Maybe I just need a vacation. Maybe it is just the arrival of Spring - and it will arrive -eventually. Like death and taxes.

For my money, the best season in our climate, here in the Rockies. Is Autumn. I guess there was a song or something called "Springtime in the Rockies", but that's just a dream. Or something written by a song writer living in Hollywood at the time. It's like a fifty year old woman pretending she is still young and glamorous and a debutant. No body is fooled. Menopause comes to us all, and no big deal.
Not for me anyway, I'm happy with the children I've born. For someone who wanted to start a family, but couldn't, menopause can come as a tragedy indeed the ultimate betrayal.
Menopause is like Autumn. It can not be the same as spring or summer, but it has a definite beauty all the same. If you're going through this time, I heartily suggest that you watch this movie. It's one of my favorites, written by a woman for women. It's called "Somethings Gotta Give." It stars the unlikely combination of Diane Keaton and Jack Nicholson. They are great together, and Keaton manages to tone down her ditseyness just enough to be a believable broad having a change-of-life. Oh, it also features Keanu Reeves, and who doesn't like him? I love the part where after an amorous encounter between Keaton and (someone, I won't tell) he asks her about birth control and she answers "menopause" and he says "who's the lucky guy!"

But, I digress. Menopause is absolutely nothing to get all freaked out about. So you lose the desire to organise stuff. I'm sure it is different for every woman cause I've heard so many horror stories, but I was like, hmmm, no periods? So I schlep myself to the doctor (thinking I could be pregnant) they take a blood test, and he tells me. It's menopause. Are you sure? It can't be! Aren't I supposed to get all crazy and feel like crap? The doctor shrugs. It seems they do more of this than anything else. So that's it then? Yes, that is it. It was a bit of a shock, but no use dwelling on it. I'd tell you what I did that made a difference, but nah. Nobody really cares or wants to know. We all have to figure it out for ourselves.

The peace of autumn is great. As the earth looks back with wonder and a bit of wistfulness at what has gone before. There is a quiet joy seeing the life you'd brought forth flourish, grow and change. The colors are even brighter now. More vivid. Or maybe you just see them with different eyes. Nothing has changed, and yet everything has. Of course your spirit is the same as it ever was. That's the part that doesn't change. That is the part that can look at a maple and the fall of it's last burgundy leaf, and say, that's okay. That's life. It is all a glorious pageant. Maybe I'm not the brightest leaf on the tree anymore. But, big freaking deal.
I'm a tenacious one. At least I'm still holding on to the branch. I nod to the others, as a soft autumn breeze plays with my fading colors. There is still time to bask in the sun, enjoy a refreshing shower, smell the mists of September...sense a coming change.


Spice Rack said...

Wow thank you for sharing that thoughts of you. You are one kind of person that is quiet organized in general.

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